Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Toddler Bed Trials Part II

I'm terrified of the teenage years. Reagan is a party animal. Her toddler bed is the means to the biggest, baddest showdown we've ever faced. In the end, we put her back in her crib. I know. She might jump out and break her neck but it's doubtful because frankly, she's quite skilled in her escape. She lands with her hands up in the air like a gymnast. She can even go into stealth mode and then stand beside my bed breathing on me until I wake up and scream.

Reagan is definitely physically ready to leave her crib. She's just not mentally/emotionally ready. Her toddler bed scared her to death and made her cry and cry and we had the worst fights and then finally I was just like, "Why are we torturing this child?!"

So for those of you who wondered what you know.

We figure we'll try again in a few weeks but this time with a bit more preparation and also Danny has suggested that he sleep in the basement until she's toddler bed trained. Wimp.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Toddler Bed Trials Part I

Friday, my angel turned 2 years old and she also went from sweet baby in a crib to monster child in a toddler bed.

Let me explain.

Reagan slept perfectly fine in her bed Thursday night. Upon waking Friday to discover everyone and their dog exclaiming "happy birthday!" to her, Reagan felt some inner calling to launch herself out of her crib...multiple times over the course of one day. We were all telling her what a big girl she is now, how she's all grown up, not a baby anymore, etc. We completely brainwashed her into believing she'd be leaving for college next week so naturally, Reagan deemed her crib unworthy of her new big girl status. She plotted her escape carefully and then made her move during nap time while the rest of us puttered about (not knowing our world was about to change forever) preparing for her birthday party. We didn't suspect a thing and by the time we realized her evil plan, it was too late to save the Earth.

Reagan nonchalantly walked out of her room (like a kid who's just stolen a piece of bubble gum and is trying to be all cool about it) and said, "hi!" to us. We stood as a collective unit--doting grandparents, amused aunt and uncle and terrified parents--and watched her come down the hall as though she was an actual person, capable of her own decisions instead of the baby we all truly still see her to be.

At once opinions began to fly and options were considered. In the end, the same conclusion was reached by all--it was no longer safe for our Little Ruler to slumber in a crib. We were just asking for broken bones. Images of my toddler wandering the house at night filled my brain and I had to sit down from the horror of it all. I half-heartedly mentioned a little boy I know whose mother says he simply doesn't realize he can get out of the toddler bed and so he stays there all night long, polishing his halo. The silence in the room swallowed me whole. No one wanted to say what they were all thinking but finally, my father put his hand on my shoulder and said, "No way Reagan is that kid."

2-year photo shoot...

I feel like I was just posting about her FIRST year photos and here I am again!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Happy Birthday, Little Ruler

I know I've been dreadful at blogging this month. Life with Reagan is one surprise after another with a bunch of routine tossed in between. I'm hoping that makes sense to other parents out there.

Today we celebrate our baby girl who isn't a baby anymore...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Our Future Olympian...

The Olympics are big in our household. They always have been but this year, as the host country is Reagan's first country, they're extra big. They're also extra emotional because while we love the Chinese people and are grateful for our sweet Reagan Ru...we abhor Communism and the lack of individual freedom it offers its people. We are particularly moved by the plight of Chinese Christians, women and unborn. These are not just images on Western televisions. They're actual people living (or dying) through horrible circumstances that are out of their control. China needs to clean up its act and our prayer is that the Olympics will help it do just that. It is a great nation with great potential and we believe it can reach and exceed the world's expectations someday.

...Stepping off soapbox to brag about child...

You've heard me mention Reagan's bendy-ness before. She regularly hangs out with her legs above her head as though that's an actual position God intended for the human body. She runs, skips, hops and slides all over the house. The other night as we watched amazing Olympic dive after amazing dive, we realized Reagan was imitating the athletes by diving (really, literally DIVING) head first off the edge of the couch. She has absolutely no fear. Obviously, our parental instincts kicked in and we stopped Reagan from her just-waiting-for-a-head-injury antics.

Then moments later the commentator casually mentioned that one of the Chinese divers makes $3 million annually off her endorsements alone.

Wordlessly, I let my grip on Reagan loosen and she immediately threw herself off the furniture again, landing with a somersault on the floor. I made eye contact with my husband and could tell he was thinking what I was thinking.

I'll have to finish this post later. That's Nike on the phone.