Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Toddler Bed Trials Part II

I'm terrified of the teenage years. Reagan is a party animal. Her toddler bed is the means to the biggest, baddest showdown we've ever faced. In the end, we put her back in her crib. I know. She might jump out and break her neck but it's doubtful because frankly, she's quite skilled in her escape. She lands with her hands up in the air like a gymnast. She can even go into stealth mode and then stand beside my bed breathing on me until I wake up and scream.

Reagan is definitely physically ready to leave her crib. She's just not mentally/emotionally ready. Her toddler bed scared her to death and made her cry and cry and we had the worst fights and then finally I was just like, "Why are we torturing this child?!"

So for those of you who wondered what you know.

We figure we'll try again in a few weeks but this time with a bit more preparation and also Danny has suggested that he sleep in the basement until she's toddler bed trained. Wimp.

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