Saturday, May 2, 2009 our advantage

So Reagan helps Danny in the basement a lot. He's currently finishing the downstairs bathroom which will ultimately be nicer than OUR bathroom. Guests, prepare yourselves for luxury!

Reagan hands Danny tools and scribbles on the wood. She carries a tape measure and flings it around, nearly blinding herself every other second. She knows where all the "parts" are going for the bathroom: sink over here, shower here, toilet there. She knows what color she wants the walls to be when it's done. She's really been a major par of the whole renovation process.

Today we took that a step further. Danny called both lumber yards in town to discover that on Saturdays, neither place does home delivery. We didn't have a way to pick up the last few pieces of sheet rock. With sadness in his Bob the Builder heart, my hubby took his assistant and went to the lumber yard anyway. He figured he'd order what he wanted and we could have it delivered this next week.

Thirty minutes went by. Then they returned. Reagan bounded over to me with one of those small, brown paper bags meant to carry nails and just when I was about to scold Danny for letting her play with nails (again), I realized it was full of M&Ms. So was her mouth. Danny explained that the lumber yard owner had basically been charmed out of his socks by our daughter. He provided her with a quarter and showed her how to work his M&M dispenser (thank you, Mr. Lumber yard man). He then declared that for Reagan, he'd send out a delivery guy on Saturday.

Sure enough, moments later, our sheet rock arrived.

Tonight I'm making a list of other ways we can use this little girl to our advantage. By all means, send suggestions our way.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Yes, she sure is a charmer. Aren't they, though... ;-)

Can't wait to be charmed by her again in June! And maybe she'll even allow a hug or two?!

Love the new Easter photos on the sidebar. Just beautiful! (and you and Danny look pretty cute too)

:) Jen