Thursday, August 9, 2007

And the Winners Are...

A few weeks ago when we got back I posed a question concerning window shades and take off. We've had two answers submitted. One of them was a complete lie but it sounded good so one of Reagan's stuffed animals (I'm leaning toward a dog formerly known as Roscoe) will henceforth be Christopher.

In first place with an answer that I believe is actually the truth, is a man named Todd who apparently works with my Dad. I'm putting his answer here so the mystery will be solved and all you good people will rest easy. What's interesting to me is that the flight attendants do NOT mention the real reason for our window shade placement. They don't come out and say, "If this puppy crashes, we need the natural light to identify bodies." No. They instead use the very elusive but politically correct "help the captain" phrase I mentioned previously.

So we've discovered the truth with help from Todd who is going to have a pink tiger named in his honor. Thank you and congratulations!

If the shades are open, passengers can keep track of which way is up during an emergency. Windows are also a source of light if the cabin goes dark. The crew dims the lights during takeoff so, if the plane loses power, your eyes won’t have a hard time adjusting to the dark.

1 comment:

Carla said...

very interesting. Yeah...power failure, crashing, dimmed lights...just what I want to think about upon take-off! LOL