Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pray for our Sick Girl

We'd really appreciate your prayers for Reagan. She has an infection in both ears and is all drugged up on amoxicillian. I thought we'd see signs of improvement after 4 days of antibiotics but if anything, she's worse. Her cough is juicy. Her lungs are full. She's clingy and actually ran a fever for the first time since this started. Anyway, please ask God to help us know what to do, how to help our sweet angel and please ask Him to heal her so she can enjoy this lovely fall and go out for Halloween, etc.

Thank you so much!

1 comment:

Carla said...

Oh poor thing!!!! I'd contact the doc if she isn't feeling better soon. We had rounds of ear infections that took 2-3 rounds of antibiotics to clear up.