Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Experiment Begins...

I just did it.

Moments ago, I stole into Reagan's room and swapped Todd out for a seemingly harmless green turtle called Zippy. He was a gift from Reagan's Aunt Jody and thus far has sat in her little white rocking chair. Tonight he holds a new place of honor beside HRH in the crib.

I put Zippy in the exact spot where Todd had been sleeping. Meanwhile, Todd glared at me with his sharp, black eyes. I'm pretty sure he's ticked off but in the name of science, I'm willing to risk his wrath. Zippy had no comments whatsoever. I think he's still asleep and hasn't noticed his new position.

Now we wait. I only changed this one thing in the entire room. I wasn't "Future Scientist of the Year" in 8th grade for nothing. I know how this works. I'm so excited to see Reagan's hair in the morning!

I only hope it doesn't look like a shell because tomorrow is her 6-month post-placement visit and shell head isn't easy to explain.

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