Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Our Little Ruler

We knew we would name our first child Reagan for years before we ever met her. We referred to her as Reagan in conversation. We had all our friends and family calling her Reagan. I wrote her love letters. She has a tile on a wall in China that says Reagan Farrar Wellman on it (this was for a charity project years before we were old enough to adopt from China). Random strangers knew that our future daughter's name was to be Reagan.

No where in any of this did anyone mention the MEANING of the name Reagan. No kind soul pulled me aside and said, "Hey, Lisa, for the record, you're setting yourself up for trouble here." Nope. They were silent on the meaning of her name and since we just loved Reagan from the first moment we considered it...we never investigated its origins.

Let this be a warning to all expectant parents out there. Research your child's name. Take into consideration self-fulfilling prophecy when you pick it. Choose wisely.

Reagan means "Little Ruler."
I think that pretty much sums up my day.


Carla said...


*heeee heeeeee......oooohhhh.....haaa haaa haaa haa*


No really...I feel for you. ;) I have some self-fulfilling named children as well.

"God is Gracious" and "Warlike" (he fulfills both - I need gracious of God to survive the Warlike)

then the middle name of the 2nd boys is "Strong, Exalted"...I'm waiting on that one. Not sure what Samuel means.

Lisa said...

Carla, I'm praying right now that Samuel means, "Picks his nose in public." And what does Katie Bug mean? ;) I need to email you anyway, I'm glad you commented. I'm getting so many compliments on my jewelry!! :)

Carla said...

Katelyn means Pure - (hoping that doesn't come back to bite us in her teen years with being sarcastic)

XiaoLan means Morning Orchid. She is definitely NOT a morning person, so this doesn't fit. If she ever chooses to become a morning person we'll work really hard to change that aspect of her personality. ;) LOL

Carla said...

OH and so glad the jewelry turned out! I'm very upset with that particular vendor right now.

Anonymous said...

Oh that we had read this post before January 16th. Meredith means "great ruler" or "ruler of the sea." At least Anne means "grace." Maybe she'll rule us graciously.