Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Cheek Kissing

Reagan has discovered cheeks...the ones on her face. Danny started requesting kisses on his cheek by pointing at the exact spot where he wanted her to lay one on him. So now she does it, too.

"Teek. Teek." Then she points at her cheek and tilts her head up expectantly.

Not only is it darn cute (of course we think everything but the temper tantrums is pretty fabulously cute) but it also lessens the gooshy, gooey, slobbery kisses I've written about in the past.

This is kissing with less moisture and I gotta say, I like it.

Of course this leads me to a few questions (doesn't everything lead me to a few questions?). Will Reagan grow up to be one of those fake, cheek kissers? Will she lean forward and kiss the air around the cheeks of people she barely knows? Would it be better to leave her kissing with animal cracker drool oozing from the sides of her mouth?

Oh, the worries of parenthood are never ending, I swear.

1 comment:

Ade said...

I think cheek kisses are the sweetest. Just today at the movies (Horton Hears a Who is great!), my sweet son leaned over twice to lay one on me. It never gets old!