Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hair Confusion

I got my hair cut today.
I've attempted for over a year to have long hair but I've given up. Long hair makes my already long face even longer and more horse-like and with my great big teeth, the only thing missing is a saddle, I swear.

So I've returned to my classic bob and am quite pleased with the results. Most everyone else has complimented me as well. Everyone but Reagan, that is.

When I picked Reagan up, she flew to me as usual but then started in with the "uh-ohs" loud and clear. She felt around on my head and her eyes were big with wonder. I think she imagined I lost my hair somewhere and we need to look for it.

All the way home, my observant daughter's voice murmured, "uh-oh" followed by "hair." I think she's quite concerned because even tonight when we put her to bed, she put her hands on my head and flipped my hair this way and that and said "uh-oh" softly just once more.

1 comment:

Cheri said...

So where is the picture? I've been wondering if I should cut all my hair off but I think Lia would freak out! She about went off her rocker when I put glasses on. She loves to play with my long hair so I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I can just hear Reagan saying uh-oh!