Monday, April 30, 2007

Another step down...

Today we received our travel packet from AWAA. This means more paperwork (of course) and another list of things to worry about and try to pay for. However, we just don't see that stuff anymore. This is so weird. I'm the QUEEN of worry, for pete's sake. To quote my beloved Tom Hanks, "She makes coffee nervous." That's me. But now, on the eve of our ONE MONTH anniversary of being Ru's parents, I just don't care about money, time off work, homestudy updates, visa applications or the like. I just glance over here at this darling picture and all anxiety rolls off of me. Reagan Ru is worth it; one glance at her and everyone agrees.

We bought her dresser tonight! Ready to fill it with all these pink clothes we have received from loving family and friends. Her room is coming together, our travel packet arrived. Life is good.

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