Friday, April 13, 2007

What's next?

We wait some more.
International adoption is such a blessing--you get a baby AND a new and improved patience level. We hope to travel in July or August. Ok, that's a lie. We hope to travel tomorrow but we will PROBABLY travel in July or August.

Until then we have a lot to do to get ready including setting up Reagan's room and finishing our basement. We'll stay busy but I don't know how distracted we'll be. We have one-track minds now. Her pictures are up all over the house and we carry them with us, too. Her little face is memorized. So, no. We're not going to be distracted. We're quite focused on the prize but we recognize that God's plan and His timing are not ours. We're following God's lead, one day at a time and when He's ready, we'll hold Reagan in our arms and it'll be magic. (Or she'll scream like a banchee, wiggle out of a wet diaper and lunge back for her caregiver's embrace but to us, no matter what her reaction, it'll be magic).

I promise to write more when we know more.

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