Sunday, September 2, 2007

One Year Portraits

We took Reagan to a Sears Portrait Studio in Topeka yesterday morning. Jenn went along as pack mule and baby entertainer extraordinaire. Thanks, Jenn!! We've decided Reagan doesn't really like to be told when to smile or be happy or "look this way." Reagan's more of a free spirit, an independent. We did capture several adorable shots because she can't help but be cute even when she's trying to avoid it on principle.

The quilt behind Reagan in some of the shots is the 100 Good Wishes Quilt our friends and family created for us. It's so beautiful and we'll hang it on Reagan's bedroom wall now.

In the other pictures Reagan is wearing a little piece of her birth country. We bought this gorgeous (red, of course!) traditional Chinese dress while in Guangzhou. It's a little big on her but at her 18-month pictures I bet it fits perfectly.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

You're right--she can't help but be cute. Her red outfit is beautiful and it's fun to see the quilt!