Friday, May 30, 2008

I spit on my kid today

For years I've watched seemingly intelligent, civilized women spit on their children in order to "clean" them. I'm appalled by this unhygienic behavior and find it beneath me. I've always said I wouldn't do it to a child of mine. Is it really so difficult to find a washcloth or a Kleenex? Must we resort to spittle as a cleanser? Are we living in the Dark Ages? I think not.

For nearly 11 months, when Reagan was dirty, I've found a way to clean her that does not involve my saliva.

Today as we ran out of the house, she scribbled on her hand with a blue pen. Without thinking, I licked my finger and rubbed the little blue mark into oblivion. Reagan looked at me in surprise, her eyes saying, "hypocrite."

I looked right back and my eyes said, "Get over it and get in the car."

Once we were on our way, the gravity of what I'd just done sunk in. I've crossed a line. Next thing you know we'll be taking Reagan to Wal-Mart at midnight in a dirty diaper. My standards have gone right down the pooper, that's what. And, what really scares me is that I've come to terms with it.

1 comment:

Carla said...

bwaaa haaa personal "icky" thing is using a spoon after a child. Blech.

and the dirty diaper in Walmart? Not a big deal, especially when it was your last....LOL