Saturday, June 21, 2008

Pictures, pictures, pictures!

Here are a few updated photos of our little princess. We took these at the zoo with buddy Jackson and just around our house and at the park. We can't believe how more and more she's little girl and less and less baby. :( We're trying to enjoy every, single moment!


Matt and Jenn said...

I can't believe how grown up she looks with her hair cut!

Cheri said...

Oh my, she is so beautiful! I love her new haircut!

Jennifer said...

I haven't looked at the Flickr photos yet, but golly, that 22 month Reagan photo on the blog front page is GORGEOUS!!! It almost looks re-touched, she's just exquisite! ;-) I think you need to submit that photo (and others) to a FCC or AWAA or 'Adoptive Families' calendar contest or something.



Lisa said...

Thanks, everyone. I swear it's not retouched. She's just that darling and her daddy is just that good of a photographer. I'll definitely submit something this year for the AWAA calendar. Last year I was still in a fog of "What? This is MY kid?" when the deadline zoomed past me. I've been showering regularly and wearing clean underwear for months now so I think I can handle submitting her photo for a calendar.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the pictures of her...what a precious little girl you have! I really enjoyed the pictures of Jackson pushing her...cracked me up!

Anonymous said...

PS - I cannot wait to see her in a couple weeks!! :)