Tuesday, July 1, 2008

12 month post placement visit today

Reagan is snoozing. I'm taking the time to blog. Danny's at work.
And, yet in just over an hour, our social worker will be here for our FINAL visit.

The first time we had one of these things, I cleaned for 3 days straight.
Today I shoved some pooh in the closet, wiped down the bathrooms and ran my hand over the dustiest part of the dining room table, smeared the findings on the back of my jeans and kept moving.

For the first visit, Danny and I went over tons of adoption-related material, studying all the right answers, quizzing each other over what not to say so they'd let us have a child, please, oh please, oh please.
Today I flipped through a Fitness magazine.

Back in 2006 when we began the process, I baked from-scratch cookies for our social worker's home visit.
Today I made sure the faucet was still working so I could offer her some water.

Two summers ago, I sat on the floor in my closet analyzing the perfect outfit. What says "I'll be a fabulous mom" in just the right hues?
Today I found a pair of capris that fit and a red shirt without any stains on it and put them on. And, as an extra measure of hygiene, I swiped on some midday deodorant.

It's not that I'm lackadaisical or I don't care. It's just that this time, we're not out to prove we can be a family. We're in the thick of family and have nothing to prove to anyone. It's a good place to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A lot can change in a year with a little tyke, huh?! At least you don't have to stress over this visit...how wonderful...they gave you your life treasure! ;)