People tell me (fairly often and certainly more than I want them to) that corn isn't a real vegetable. It doesn't have as many vitamins, antioxidants or fiber as it should. And it's the wrong color, apparently.
I beg to differ. Corn has always been and always will be my very favorite vegetable, followed closely by the potato. I especially love corn on the cob and during our Independence Day celebration, Jenn and I determined that our munchkins were cob-ready and we let them go to town.
They each chose a different method of attack but the results were the same--buttery, delicious corn in their tummies and all over their faces, much like the adults around them.
Maddie would wholeheartedly agree that corn is the best veggie. We have a photo of her and a two-fisted corn on the cob feast - one in each hand. Another time we arrived at the dinner table to discover she'd been there first and marked every cob as hers with a big bite out of the middle. We still made her share.
OHMYGOSH. Sonia, that is too funny!!! And GROSS. :) How old is Maddie now?
Oops. Been on vacation at the Grand Lake O' the Cherokee in OK, so I didn't see your question. Hope you get the response. Maddie turned 6 July 17. I had to leave her at home this morning after 10 days of vacation and she cried that she would miss me when I went back to work. I'll miss her, too. I told her to ask mommy to bring her over to swim at my house.
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