Friday, July 4, 2008


Happy Birthday, USA!
Happy 1st 4th of July, Reagan Ru!

One year ago tomorrow we got on a plane headed to China to get our little daughter.

We said goodbye to our Independence, to sleeping in, to extra cash, to socializing without first spending a week scouring for a babysitter, to a life that was completely inwardly focused.

And now we're parents.

We woke up today at 6:49 am to a little voice saying, "Mommy? Daddy?" over and over and over again, getting a little bit louder, a little more high pitched with each occurrence. And we'll spend the day feeding Reagan, changing her diaper, attempting to keep her from mortal peril and most importantly, teaching her the fine art of "using her words" instead of whining for what she wants.

I remember independence as a vague, Utopian sort of idea and Danny isn't sure he remembers it at all but we all know my memory is better than his. But then, as he points out, who'd want to remember life before Reagan?

Well, not us.

Happy Independence Day, everyone! We're so blessed to live in this great nation, so fortunate to experience freedom! Hope you all have a safe, fun, freedom-filled 4th.

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