Saturday, July 7, 2007

Cairo and Beijing: same shopping style

You probably recall our stories of shopping in Cairo. Our guide took us to place after place. She sat around sipping tea with the owners while we were left to fight off pretty, young girls who wanted to sell us everything under the sun. Then our guide got a cut of whatever we purchased and we left for the next "purge the Americans of all their money" shop 2 blocks down.

Well, it's the same gig here. Our guide is worlds nicer and believes in Father so she point blank told us not to buy what we didn't want, to sit down and enjoy their AC while others shopped if that's what we wanted. So that's nice. However, the young, pretty girls are all the same and they work on commission. We've been to the Pearl Market and the Silk Museum. Today is the Jade Factory. Sigh. At least here we know what's coming because Sherry (our guide) warns us. In Cairo, Sherin and Makmut just drove us over and handed us off like sacrifices to the retail gods. We didn't buy a darn thing from the Silk Museum. What's the point when one shares a house with cats? We did drop some cash at the Pearl Market but I think I might have actually purchased MORE if they'd just left us alone. I finally got so irritated, I just started saying no to everything so we could get out of there. Good grief.

When Nannie and Papa were in China years ago, they brought Jody and me simple jade bracelets. Mine broke a couple years ago but I know Jo still has hers. I'm determined to find another jade bracelet for myself and Reagan, too. I'm just going to be more forceful today and beat these girls off like flies if I have to. Wish us luck.

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