Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Forever and Ever Amen

Reagan RuXian Farrar Wellman is officially ours. We had our civil affairs appointment today complete with promises to love her forever and our agreeance that we were "satisfied" with her. To seal the deal we each red stamped our right thumb over our signature and then Ru got to red stamp with her right foot which she thought a hoot and a holler. The Civil Affairs office was just like yesterday except this time instead of entering with nervous anticipation, I was carrying a squirmy 10-month old who believes with all her might that my glasses are there for her crushing pleasure.

The rooms are hot and reek of smoke. Everyone smokes here, did I mention that before? My baby has a rattly chest and the sneezes and these people are smoking on her. I wish they wouldn't smoke inside but what's a girl to do? So we avoid it as much as possible. We forked over cash and gifts today and feel loads lighter. I still can't believe they're going to let us leave with this amazing baby. Every moment she shares a new delight with us. You'll get to see them soon. Danny has recorded her every movement and we'll strap you down and force our baby videos on you as soon as the jet lag wears off.

Anyway, she's ours.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! We are thrilled beyond words and praising God!!! And...we want to say "Happy Birthday Danny!" There is no better present a dad could want! :)

Anonymous said...

Yep, we can't beat our grand-daughter! Happy Birthday, Danny!! We love you!

Anonymous said...

It's an incredible feeling, isn't it? You've helped me relive all those anxious & wonderful moments we had with Antonio's adoption. And both adoptions were on our birthday's no less - what are the odds?!! I can't wait to meet her & see you all again... that is if the marriage lasts until October. :) Lots & lots of love! Lena

Danifesto said...

I'd like to add my voice to the chorus of congratulations! I'm so very happy for your family!

Adrienne said...

We're so happy for you! Reagan Ru is so beautiful! I can’t wait to meet your precious daughter! We'll continue to pray for Ru's health and your safe trip home!

Anonymous said...

What a great birthday present! But does that mean Danny is winning now?