Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Our Marriage is Doomed

Well, I've always heard that having a baby with someone brings you together. I beg to differ. Our marriage is on the rocks and I blame this kid.

First off, she's adorable. We don't want to share her with each other at all. It's getting ugly here in Changsha. Let me give you some examples from our day.

We wake up and Ru is all cuddly and smiley and wants to squirm around on us. So we fight over which one of us needs to get showered first and thus leave the warm aura of baby time. We go downstairs to breakfast and fight about who gets to feed her and finally compromise by splitting out the time. We try to snap on her carrier extra fast so the other one can't get to it and clamp her on. Ru watches all of this with a bemused look on her face. She knows we're crazy about her already. We saw so many smiles today and lots of giggles. She does that Indian Chief thing with her hand over her mouth and I can pat my hand over her mouth and she'll make the sound. She knows how to clap and gets all proud of herself and throws her hands up to show just how amazing she thinks she is. All of this is either for our entertainment or (and this is my theory) an attempt to be even more adorable so she can watch her parents' continuous competition for her affections. Thus far we're in a tie but I'm hoping to pull ahead tomorrow. Wish me luck.

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