Sunday, July 1, 2007

Lasts Clarification

I've had some concerned friends point out that I will certainly put gas in my car again and that I'll have another haircut after Ru gets here. While I may literally need the strength of Samson to be a mom, I do intend to get a trim now and then. My "lasts" post was just a short list of things we're doing for the LAST time before Reagan is actually here.
We will definitely have date nights again. We've been so spoiled having ten very fun, loving years as a married couple. We know we need to slip away for grown up time and we have friends who owe us YEARS of childcare and we intend to cash in and sneak off.
Anyway, just wanted to clarify what I meant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, but that sleeping in thing is likely to be changed for awhile!