Reagan is doing so much better. Thank you for your prayers. She still has a cold but in my uneducated opinion, she's sounding better and coughing less frequently. Plus last night she slept the whole night through with only one little squeal. I rubbed her belly and whispered to her and she was out again. No Benedryl or anything--just natural exhaustion. Her rash/bug bites are gone and we've seen doctors who say she has "sensitive skin." Oh, joy.
Reagan went swimming for the first time last night and absolutely LOVED it. Her little swimsuit is covered in butterflies and she loves it, obviously. She cracks us up because she doesn't know things that our high-tech American babies certainly know by this age. For instance, Reagan thinks the buttons on the phone are to be picked up. She's constantly squeezing at them, trying to hold them like Cheerios. She doesn't understand the concept of buttons. Can you imagine a 10-month old in the US not knowing about buttons??!! She doesn't get the TV at all but likes the noise, I think. Mostly she wants to be held and loved on. Danny is in her favor again. She loves him and yesterday when he came back after being out for a little while she got very excited and bouncy and grinned up at him.
Today our guides are representing us at our consulate appointment. I must make this short because I need to be in the hotel room in case they call with questions. This is the appointment that could be in jeopardy due to our immigrations paperwork problem right before we left. I think I blogged about that. Anyway, pray for us!!
Thanks for your comments/prayers for our friend who lost her daughter, Julia. We so appreciate them on her behalf. She looked better today at breakfast. I hope they let her take Julia home to be buried but I don't know how that works or if it's possible at all. Anyway, thank you.
We love you!! See you in a couple of days!
Such wonderful pictures! The pink hat almost tops my other favorite (the closeup on Gotcha Day). Your sweet daughter is absolutely beautiful and I'm so glad she's happy and healthy!
Glad you are enjoying Guangzhou! That's where Jim spent most of his time last summer when he was in China.
We'll be praying about your appointment and safe trip home!
Lots of love!
Ade & Jim
I cannot wait for your arrival home on Friday! You all look so well and Reagan is absolutely beautiful, LOVE the photo with the scrunched up nose!! :)
I miss you and am so ready to see ALL the photos & videos and hear all the stories about your trip!
See you soon!
Praying for you all daily -
All my love
I can't wait to come see you all!!! Is next week too soon!!!
I have loved reading your blogs and seeing your pictures. I will continue to pray for you all and for a safe trip home!!
Love you!!
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