Sunday, December 30, 2007
Our Christmas Photos...
Sunday, December 9, 2007
For Unto You a Child Is Born...
Friday, December 7, 2007
Today is super, duper special!!!
Congratulations, Jen and Eric!!
And, Noelle, we've seen pictures of you already and I gotta say, your hair is simply to die for! We're looking forward to any fashion tips you can share with our Reagan Ru. :)
It's In Her Kiss...
Reagan is a kisser. She started out with mostly open mouth lunges. We'd ask for a kiss and she came at us full throttle, mouth wide open. She was very reminiscent of a whale feeding or a hyena when it laughs. She often missed our mouths and ended up sort of noshing our noses.
Then her kissing evolved.
She realized kisses were a desirable bargaining tool. She started kissing us and then pointing at what she wanted. She refused kisses when she wasn't in the mood. She kissed her doll and tried to kiss the cats. She learned to blow kisses. She knows when we say bye bye that a kiss or ten is appropriate.
She puckers up now. Sticks her puffy, fish lips up at us and really smacks us.
And lately her kisses have been extra juicy. Reagan has basically been teething since the moment we got her and so it's not like we're strangers to drool. Reagan is a drool machine. However, she hasn't always felt the need to kiss us while in fact, eating something mushy. And that's what she did all week long.
Animal crackers are among the most quickly dissolved snack in the world. This is fact. Reagan crams at least 62 animals in her mouth (it's so full she can't close it and yes I know this is a choking hazard, we're working on it) and then she toddles over. She stands right beside me, often with a soggy elephant in hand. She's grinning a wild, out of control grin. Then she touches me. Perhaps she pats me on the shoulder. I now have ick on my shoulder. All the while the menagerie in her mouth is soaking up moisture and turning to goo...which then starts to dribble out, down her chin in one long, unending line.
And then she kisses me. Full on the mouth.
Repeat with the snack that smiles back goldfish. And Cheerios. And grapes.
Now, I'm not by nature a rude person (most of the time) and I don't want to hurt my little angel's feelings but it is hard not to run in terror when this creature lurches toward me, oozing slime and love all over the place. I know I'm a real mom now. I take it. I kiss her back, reminding myself that soon she'll be a teenager and hate me and I should enjoy ooey gooey kisses while they last.
Then when she toddles off to kiss some other hapless victim...I run to the bathroom to brush my teeth and gargle and wash my face and...
Monday, December 3, 2007
Updated Pictures...
Go check out our latest pictures on Flickr!
Sheer Energy Legs
But that's beside the point.
The point is that I don't wear hose very often because A) they irritate me to death and B) I constantly snag them. I can look at hose from across a room and they snag. So I pretty much don't wear them unless it's super cold and/or I have to dress up. I wore them for the first time in front of Reagan last week. Here's what happened.
My beloved child rushed up to hug my legs, after all, we'd been separated about 20 minutes. She wrapped her arms around me and then dropped her arms and stepped back a good foot and a half. Reagan's face was confused and a bit fascinated. She looked at my legs curiously for a few seconds and then reached back to touch one of them again. She pulled her hand back super quick and looked up at me as if to say, "What's going on here? Where's your skin? This looks like skin but it's not." This went on for some time as I moved about the room finishing my dressing routine. I thought she was over it.
That afternoon when I picked her up from Blakely's house, again Reagan touched my legs. When we got home, she kept touching them until I took the pantyhose off. Then she touched my real, live skin and a smile broke out on her face a mile wide. She clapped her hands together and grinned at me, completely thrilled that my legs were back and all was well with the world.
Today I wore black tights and she eyeballed me a bit but didn't feel the need to do a pat down search again.
Our Own Comments
I appreciate you writing back to my little rant last week. I'll try to keep the blog mostly upbeat, I promise. Before we got Reagan, I was determined to be very educational, to see questions as an opportunity to help others understand adoption, blah, blah, blah. And I have. Tons of times. The problem is that it's not hypothetical now. It's not educational. This isn't an object lesson. This is my life. This is my daughter. And sometimes I just wish people would keep their remarks to themselves.
We signed up for this gig. It's part of our world. I just need to determine how best to handle these situations when they fly at me.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Our Own
"Oh, you know, now that you've adopted, you'll get pregnant." I love their faces when I smile sweetly and say, "Well, I certainly hope not."
"Do you plan to adopt again or will you have a child of your own?" My real reaction to this isn't appropriate for print and I usually keep it inside myself but out loud I've started to say, "Reagan is our own and we don't know if we'll even have more children, adopted or otherwise." This always blows their minds because if there's anything worse than an adopted child, it's an adopted child who's also an ONLY child. The horror.
Everyone has an opinion. I'm an American, I embrace differing opinions. I just think I'm super surprised by the lack of tact we face on a nearly daily basis. No one would think to ask people about the night their children were conceived yet we're asked "how much she cost" at least once a week. What the?!
I thought the stupid questions would cease once we had Reagan home but that's not true. Stupid is alive and well.
I have to get off my soapbox now. My own daughter, Reagan RuXian Farrar Wellman is hollering at me for more Cheerios.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
The doll (who is nameless) lives downstairs in the family room toy box. Yesterday afternoon after playtime I announced it was time for supper. Reagan jumped up and scurried to the staircase like usual but this time she was carrying her doll. When we mounted the stairs, Reagan insisted on climbing them herself...while struggling to hold her dolly in her hand. I offered multiple times to carry it for her but she refused. So clutching her baby in one hand, she pulled herself along with the other one, bumping her chin on the steps several times, looking back at me to make sure I was following and dropping her beloved child now and then. Each time I thought she'd go on up without the doll but each time Reagan stopped and went back for it until we made it all the way to the top. Then she stood up, doll in hand and raced to the high chair.
She and Dolly squirmed impatiently while I prepared her sippy cup of milk. I started piling food on Reagan's tray and she quickly realized something. She was out of space. Something had to go.
So despite all her efforts to carry that wild-haired, pink-wearing doll up the stairs...she literally tossed it over the side on to the floor where it landed with a sickening thud. I turned around from the stove to see her look down at it wistfully, then eyeball her fist full of rice and cram the entire thing into her mouth. "MMMMMM," she said.
Again, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
My Daughter, the Personal Trainer Part Two
From day one, Reagan has preferred me to all others which at first I thought was because of my infectious personality and the fact that I nearly always have Cheerios on my person. However, as time passes, I realize she makes me haul her around as part of my weight training regimen. She also insists on tossing whatever she's carrying to the ground at random intervals to challenge my agility and grace. There's a method to her madness. For instance, Reagan doesn't "accidentally" drop her sippy cup except when both of my hands are entirely full of other things and/or we're in a desperate hurry to get out the door. If she tossed it down when I've got nothing but time and empty hands, then I wouldn't get the same kind of workout. My body would be mush, that's what. Reagan's dedication to my health astounds everyone we meet.
Reagan knows that a strong back is key for overall core strength. Every, single bloomin' day Reagan tackles the stairs on our way up from the basement. She chooses to crawl up three or four steps and then turn around to slide down on her bottom. I hunch over, trying to save her from certain death and thus, my back receives a thorough workout. When Reagan arrives at the base of the stairs, we start the routine over again because all personal trainers know that number of reps is key to building strong muscles.
It takes a village to keep Mom skinny. Reagan relies on my morning visits to our wellness center to take care of my body, as well. Last week, I woke up before my alarm and thought I was up, ready to throw myself into the car and head for the gym. I turned off the alarm so as not to disturb my beloved and my whip-wielding daughter. My brain said get up. However, my body had other ideas and within moments, I'd drifted back to sleep. At 5:31 am, Reagan let out a heart attack-inducing scream. I sat straight up in bed, realized I was about to miss class and jetted from the house. Danny told me later that when he went in to check on Reagan, she was already back to sleep. See? Even when she's unconscious, she works to keep me moving and grooving. What a giver.
Variety keeps training interesting so Reagan continually mixes up our time together by tossing in cries for swirling, singing, dancing, bouncing and tossing whenever she sees me start to relax. If my body slows down at all, Reagan senses my regression and springs into action. Right now she's taking a nap and I'm about to, as well. This is an unapproved sleep and must be approached carefully. My strategy is simple. I take off my shoes and tip toe across the hall into our bedroom. I know right where the squeaky springs are in the bed so I ease onto the comforter very carefully, without disturbing the cat or the mattress. I lay on my back so as to preserve my hairstyle and I sleep in my glasses. This way if Reagan suspects my rebellious rest, I can fool her by being right at her side the instant she cries. When she glances over me, looking for signs of slumber, I'll fool her.
This is how I'm surviving Mommyhood, one stolen nap at a time. Also, today I ate what was left of the ice cream straight from the container. A girl's gotta do, what a girl's gotta do.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
More Halloween Pictures...
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
My Daughter, the Personal Trainer Part One
Reagan never misses an opportunity to deny me the sinful pleasure of eating. She knows I need help refusing the temptation of a meal every 5 or 6 hours, and she's there for me, bless her little heart. Just as I sit down to enjoy a few moments of culinary satisfaction and perhaps a niblet or two of adult conversation with my beloved, Reagan pulls the rug out from under me. If she's in her high chair, mid-meal, she suddenly needs "more" of something and alternately signs and squeals for it. Or she coughs/chokes on something. Or her sippy cup takes a suicide dive to the floor. Sometimes when she sees these distractions aren't having the effect she's going for, she cries to be released from her tower prison. Once on the floor, she rushes to my chair and looks up at me with the best puppy dog eyes she can muster. She holds her hands in the air and motions for me to pick her up. She clings to my legs, desperate to distract me from my fork. If I put her in my lap, hoping to calm her and therefore, get to eat, she lunges for the plate with all her might, grabbing and pushing for anything in sight. She knows her mission and she takes it seriously: stop Mom from eating at all costs.
I find myself standing up eating bread crusts, drinking apple juice while she gobbles pear chunks off her tray. I don't make eye contact for fear she'll remember I'm not supposed to eat. I open the fridge door and nosh down whatever I can behind its protective barrier. I hunch down to a lower cabinet, pretending to retrieve a pot or pan, all the while cramming pepperoni into my mouth. Reagan strains in her high chair. She knows something is going on. She arches her back, puts her feet on the step and stands as much as she can, craning her neck so she can see whether I'm really preparing her precious peas or am actually woofing down a sandwich.
I'm not sure how long this stage of "Pay attention to me NOW. Put the food down and no one will get hurt" lasts. Other people have kids and I've seen them eat. Perhaps their children just don't love them as much as Reagan loves me. Perhaps they don't care if their parents are obese but my angel does. Reagan wants me to be a size 4 and isn't letting anyone or anything stand in her way.
A Plague Update
Thank you so very much for praying for Reagan. We really appreciate it. She's been sick before but didn't show as many outward signs of it, I guess. This really freaked us out and had me bargaining with God over just giving the sickness to me and not her. She was downright pathetic. We're used to feisty and adorable. We don't do pathetic.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Pray for our Sick Girl
Thank you so much!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Happy Birthday to me all year long!
Last year when I turned 30, we whooped it up. I'd been waiting so long to AGE, for the love! China wouldn't let us come get Reagan until we were both 30 and Danny kindly hit that milestone 2 years ago. Our dossier was sent via Fed Ex October 13, 2006 and was delivered to the CCAA on my birthday, October 15, 2006. Nothing else mattered. We were DTC!!
Now, I love presents. No way can I deny that. I made a list, passed it out to family and friends and waited for the loot to pour in. However, yesterday even as I accepted wonderful gifts, I kept thinking, "Gee. What I really want to do right now is play with Reagan." When people asked, "Big plans for your birthday?" I answered honestly that we were just staying home to be with our girl. In a bizarre twist of events, I attended the KC Ballet alone on Saturday. We have season tickets. I am in to the ballet and Danny goes along because he's in to me. I had a fabulous time and sat in Danny's seat (he's not getting it back, it's better than mine). However, I called Danny at intermission so I could be updated on what Reagan had experienced in the whopping 60 minutes since I'd left her.
So I guess all of this is to say, every day is my birthday now that we have Reagan. I know so many of you are still waiting and my heart aches for you. Believe me, I know the pain and the frustration and the anxiety. At the end of the road for you is good stuff. Trust me on this.
Who needs a pro?
Sunday, October 7, 2007
These Boots Were Made for Walking...
Reagan knows how to walk. She's been on the move for a couple of weeks now. She prefers walking to all other modes of transport. I'm constantly impressed with her ability to turn into a noodle right there in my arms. She slips down the front or side of my body, wiggling the entire time until her feet hit the floor and then she's off. I've literally started sleeping in my tennis shoes so I can keep up with her from the instant she wakes up in the morning.
On the weekends, if she gets too far ahead of me, I scream out desperately to Danny who pops up to continue the chase while I collapse on the floor, gasping for air and drooling just a little bit. During the week, I'm on my own. Obviously, this leaves no time for blogging about Reagan. Who has time to write when the computer is a mere blur of technology as we scamper by in hot pursuit of the cat or a ball or something I can't see but which Reagan can't stop pointing to or squealing about?
I'm a shell of my former self. The cats are more neurotic than ever (and that's saying something if you know our Psalms and Autumn). We've managed to childproof the kitchen and one bathroom but we doubt these pathetic bits of plastic will stop Reagan for long. She holds on to the cabinet doors and shakes them like she's The Incredible Hulk. Yesterday, she was quiet for more than 20 seconds which means I've dropped the ball and she's either hanging off the edge of something or drinking poison. I whipped around only to find her staring intently at my hands. I'd been pushing the plastic doo-hickey down so I could access the cabinet. And she knows how I did it. I could literally see her mind working it all out.
Currently, she's taking a pre-church nap and I need to take a shower. I just wanted to check in with you, to let you know we are alive but just barely. I can't believe we actually encouraged her to learn this new skill. What in the world were we thinking?!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
For Your Viewing Pleasure...
Friday, September 21, 2007
Sugar and Spice, For the Love!
Before I even held my precious DAUGHTER in my arms, I had to defend her gender. Our guide said (as they were bringing her to us), "Oh, a boy! He's adorable!" Now, Reagan's nannies had dressed her in a hot pink tank top, flower-covered shorts and lacy pale blue socks for the occasion. Boy, indeed.
Then in the elevator one of our AWAA families commented on how cute HE was. At the doctor's office, with Reagan completely dolled up in pink and purple stripes, a man asked "What is it? A boy or a girl?" Good grief. (And also, for the record, the correct way to phrase that question is "Is your baby a little girl or a little boy?" 'It' is not a pronoun used for children!
So if any of you have been confused, Reagan is a girl, a female, a young lady. I'm a bit tense this morning in case you can't tell. The Fed Ex man just described my beautiful princess as "handsome."
Sigh. Time to take her out of the green outfit and put her in yet another PINK affair. Perhaps if I glued bows in her hair?
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Lions and Tigers and Bears
Friday, September 7, 2007
Are there any perks with invisibility?
We go to the library, a place I have worked with the same people for over five years. Immediately, Reagan is swooped down upon and carted off in a flurry of "isn't she cute?" and "look what a big girl you are." If I'm quiet, they honest to goodness would not notice I'm there. I firmly believe they think Reagan drove herself over to see them. If I speak, they look up, startled that someone else is in the room, so consumed are they by Princess Reagan.
At her well baby check up? Same scenario only replace librarians with nurses and even a doctor or two. I'm paying the bill. I'm holding her still while they dig around in her ears and listen to her heart. But I'm really not there at all.
Tonight the entire Farrar Wellman family trooped out to the store for a little pre-weekend shopping. The goal was to be quick because Danny had music rehearsal in Lawrence at 7:30 pm. No dilly dallying! However, Reagan held audience in at least eight aisles of the store and that really slowed us down. Invisible or not, we have to push the cart and gather items off the shelves. Danny was holding Reagan in his arms and a person we barely know held an entire conversation with Reagan without ever once looking at her father. Maybe she thinks Reagan is a ventriloquist, the way she keeps throwing her voice to answer questions. Maybe she thinks Reagan knows how to levitate. She certainly never glanced at Danny or in any way indicated that he was present.
When we pushed away a few minutes later, Danny made a comment about being invisible and I had to break it to my beloved that as far as I can tell our invisibility is directly connected to our precious daughter. If we keep her, we lose our identity as we knew it pre-Reagan and that's all there is to it. We've decided it's a fair trade because we love her madly and all that and maybe this new state of being (or not being as the case may be) will get us out of mortgage payments or dental exams. One can hope.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Save Yourselves...
Today Reagan stood all by herself with meaning. She's done the weeble wobble thing for a while now but today there was purpose and strength and it last more than 10 seconds and happened several times.
To add to the rising terror I feel radiating from you, my dear readers, Reagan climbed the stairs this afternoon. I stood behind her and offered a bit of encouragement so blame me if you must. The point is...
Reagan is getting closer to walking every day. Our world will never be the same. Danny and I are in this for the long haul. We signed up for this gig. You are an innocent observer. I say run for it.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
One Year Portraits
The quilt behind Reagan in some of the shots is the 100 Good Wishes Quilt our friends and family created for us. It's so beautiful and we'll hang it on Reagan's bedroom wall now.
In the other pictures Reagan is wearing a little piece of her birth country. We bought this gorgeous (red, of course!) traditional Chinese dress while in Guangzhou. It's a little big on her but at her 18-month pictures I bet it fits perfectly.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Celebrate Good Times, Come On!
Please go to our Flickr account to see all the fun for yourself!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Bathing Beauty and Party Girl
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Not Until You've Walked a Mile in Her Purse...
And I admit I judge people who do this. I watch them open their ginormous bags and dump goodness knows what into the black hole within. Later they can't find their keys or their checkbook and I smugly think, "Well, if you would organize your purse, ladies, this would not be a problem."
Fast forward to this last week. Reagan and I did some heavy errand-running on our own. Now we've gone here and there before but never really place after place with no rest in between. I'm at the Post Office, baby balancing precariously on the counter while I make a valiant attempt at a legible signature on my credit card receipt. Both hands are full as I scurry out of the next customer's way and what do I do? Drop my copy of the receipt and the stamps right into my purse with complete disregard as to where they land.
Wal-Mart Parking lot. Reagan's shoe flies off in some unexplainable attempt at acrobatics and I find it on the ground, pick it up and throw it in my purse so we can keep on moving. Did you read that sentence and really let it soak in? Lisa picked up something FROM THE GROUND (and a parking lot, no less, not clean, natural grass) and then placed it purposely in her bag.
This madness continues all over town.
Admittedly, I can't stand it for long. I come home and immediately clean out my purse because that's just who I am, but on the go, I'm a handbag maniac. I justify this entire exercise in chaos because it's either this or lose my mind deciding which pocket a baby shoe, lip gloss and a hubba can reside in happily.
100 Good Wishes Indeed...
They did NOT forget or give up, however and I'm eternally grateful. This quilt is fantastic and each square means so much to us. I can not believe how many of you took time from your lives to send in a square and a wish for Reagan. You have richly blessed us for so many years and this is the icing on the cake. This is one of those items I'll carry downstairs with me when the tornado sirens go off. It's a treasure. Thank you.
Angie, I get it now. ;)
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Time Flies When You're Covered in Baby Goo...
And I was also thinking about us and what we've gone through in the last four weeks and mostly it comes down to goo. Pre-Reagan our goo exposure was limited. Sure other people's kids spit up on us now and then. We've seen explosive diapers and dealt with one or two of them. We're not total novices. However, when you are with a baby constantly, you're bound to be splashed in one form of goo or another on pretty much a daily basis. I have a hilarious story which my Mom says is a bit crude for the blog but when we meet in person, ask me about Reagan's hair goo, a creation of her own making.
Today we've survived a month of ick the likes of which we'd never seen before. And the crazy thing about it is that we've signed on for more. This is our world, goo and all and we just couldn't be more pleased.
And the Winners Are...
In first place with an answer that I believe is actually the truth, is a man named Todd who apparently works with my Dad. I'm putting his answer here so the mystery will be solved and all you good people will rest easy. What's interesting to me is that the flight attendants do NOT mention the real reason for our window shade placement. They don't come out and say, "If this puppy crashes, we need the natural light to identify bodies." No. They instead use the very elusive but politically correct "help the captain" phrase I mentioned previously.
So we've discovered the truth with help from Todd who is going to have a pink tiger named in his honor. Thank you and congratulations!
If the shades are open, passengers can keep track of which way is up during an emergency. Windows are also a source of light if the cabin goes dark. The crew dims the lights during takeoff so, if the plane loses power, your eyes won’t have a hard time adjusting to the dark.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
We Can't Help Ourselves...
Friday, August 3, 2007
Reagan and Our Other Daughters...
Psalms talks pretty much constantly (she takes after Danny) and Autumn is shy, loving and willing to take Psalms' abuse.
They think Reagan is a loud rodent of some kind, I'm sure of it. Psalms crouches on our bed with her paws over her ears (literally) and squeezes her eyes shut when Reagan cries. Autumn backs away from Reagan the instant we come out on the front porch. Actually she does a little dance. Autumn wants to come see me, her mom, her protector and friend so she runs toward us and then she spots Reagan. She's torn. She hovers just out of Reagan's reach (and thus out of mine) and cries at me to pet her, all the while eyeballing Reagan like something unwanted stuck to her tail.
Reagan thinks they are the most fantastic thing since Cheerios (and that's saying a lot, you should see this kid eat Cheerios). She crawls after Psalms whenever she can. She bounces and squeals when she sees or even hears one of them meow. She makes the "k" sound and points when they come around because we're trying to teach her to say kitty and "k" is as far as she goes.
Ultimately I think this will all work out. The girls are teenagers now and spend lots of time dragging Main with their friends and even when they're home they're so busy painting their toenails and IMing boys that mostly they ignore Reagan. She idolizes them, however, as any younger sibling does. I'm not too worried about it. All babies lick themselves and eat from a bowl on the floor, right?
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Yet right now she's sleeping and I miss her. I miss how soft her face is, so smooth and without a single blemish. I miss her hot, formula breath on my face when she gives me an open-mouth kiss. I miss her scrunchy smile as we've come to call it.
I think I'll go look at her one more time.
Good night.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
The Princess and The Peas
So I was washing out bottles and little baby spoons and in general more pastel plasticware than any household should contain, when I heard a soft plop. Then another. Plop.
I glanced over at my cherub, strapped into her high chair just feet away. She smiled her cherub smile and waved her hands around, a sure sign of her happiness in life. Ah, bliss. Here I was, content in my motherhood, loved by the perfect baby, partnered with the perfect husband and all that rot. Then plop.
This time I caught her. My little princess was gleefully tossing her lovely green peas over the side of her high chair tray. She picked them up carefully with her dainty fingers and then sent them soaring to their deaths not unlike crazy people in barrels going over the side of Niagara Falls. She leaned over the side of her chair in order to watch their fall from a better angle. And then she laughed wildly.
It was the laughing that got to me, I think. I said, "No, Reagan. Don't waste your peas. Eat them, Baby Girl." That caught her attention. She stared at me intently, ashamed of her waste and the mess it made. She ate two peas with an expression of true repentance on her little face. There. Point made. I went back to scrubbing.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
More pictures!!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Life With Reagan
In other news, Reagan Ru slept last night. I mean, really slept. We put her down around 8:45ish and she was up at 9:30 and we put her down (finally!) at 10:30pm and did not hear a single peep from her until 8 this morning. I rolled over, all cozy in my consecutive hours of sleep and nearly had a heart attack when I saw the clock. Something must be HORRIBLY wrong! My baby doesn't sleep like this! I raced into her room and sure enough she had just woke up. She rolled over and looked up at me as if to say, "Well, what do you know? This crib isn't a medevial torture device after all. It's actually quite nice in here and if you're lucky, I'll take my nap today, too." And, she did, by the way. She slept nearly two hours and I got all sorts of stuff done and then took my own snooze.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
So We're Home...
Thank you so much to everyone who came to the airport to greet us. I expected a handful of die hards but so many, many people showed up and it was like a little party and made us feel so loved and welcomed. You all rock my world!!
Matt Harader rocks my world, too. Not only has he been one of my most treasured friends for over a decade now, but he handled all our blog problems while we were away and I really appreciate it. His wife and kid ain't half bad, either.
I'll try to write on here when I can. I don't know if anyone will be interested in life AFTER China. If Reagan does something super cool, I'll let you know. You can assume she will because she's my child after all.
Answer Me This...
Why do airlines request our "help" with window shades? When we were preparing for lift off, every single airline we flew said, "please help the captain by opening your window shades for take off." Now, this concerns me. Is he using MY window to backup the plane? Does he use MY window to check the weather or spot flocks of birds? I mean, what is that about? Does he not have a window of his own? Does he need extra lighting? I'm so confused. I'm offering the naming rights to one of Reagan's stuffed animals to the first person who offers me a reasonable answer to this question.
How many times must we endure security? We were searched in Guangzhou, Hong Kong and again in Chicago. Now, we never left the airports except on airplanes. Where do they think we accessed the bombs? Where did we buy the poison? Danny even had to hand over Reagan's CHEERIOS (thank the good Lord she was asleep during this traumatic moment) so they could be X-rayed in Chicago. I had to WAKE up my sleeping child (sacrilege, IMHO) so they could pat her down in case we'd strapped explosives to her or something. Unreal. The terrorists need not kill themselves for our country to fall. They need only to wait while our airline security personnel slowly send each and everyone one of us to the funny farm...without sewing scissors, obviously. Safety first.
Why is it that we paid thousands of dollars for the privilege to fly in their hunks of metal but the airline could not provide a few simple services, even those we requested weeks ago? Want a bassinet for baby? Well, you must request that when you pay for the tickets. Done. Want a bassinet for baby? Well, you also need to ask when you get your boarding passes. Done. And at the gate. Done. And when you see the flight crew. Done. "Oh, I'm sorry, sir. We don't have a wall bassinet available. You really should have asked for that when you called your ticketing agent. We do have this crummy, ol' floor bassinet which also doubles as my gym bag. Perhaps you'd be interested in that?" OR what about the headphones and arm rest controls? I've yet to travel where everyone in my row had working headphones and controls. You'd think they could fix that. And don't get me started on the "food." Good grief. I won't be flying again for a while.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Home Sweet Airplane...
Today we're going to the gorgeous park across the street from our hotel. Then we're going to dress up our little baby girl and head over to the American Consulate. We'll raise our right hands and swear to love her forever (gee, that's tough) and then she'll be on her way to being an American citizen. I've already filled out her application and turned it in. We'll pick up her VISA and come back to the hotel for MAJOR packing job we have to do. The consulate appointment yesterday went without a hitch. Thank you for the prayers on our behalf. This was the last roadblock and we cleared it. Woot!!
Tomorrow we'll be boarding a plane to HK, then to Chicago and FINALLY Kansas City!! We're so excited to be home! I can drink straight from the tap if I want to! And we'll live in more than a hotel room. I won't do my dishes in a little plastic bowl which doubles as a Raman noodle container. Such luxury! We're ready to be home for sure. And I will have more than 3 pairs of pants and two skirts to choose from for clothing!! (This is imperative considering how much dried drool is on the clothes I'm currently wearing). Options are nice.
This entire experience has been amazing, emotional, challenging and glorious. I am so grateful for this precious gift. Reagan is absolutely the perfect fit for our family. She even likes jazz and is beebopping right now on her Daddy's knee, shoving Cheerios in her mouth, keeping rhythm in Starbucks.
Sorry we don't have time for more picture updating. You'll just have to wait for the real deal on Friday! Hope to see you all in the airport. Jenn and Blakely have airline details if you need them. Hopefully we won't be delayed. If we are, go home, by george. We understand and you'll get to meet our little princess later. She's gonna be around for awhile.
Love you!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
HRH Reagan Ru
New pictures
Danny and Lisa have uploaded some new pictures! Enjoy.
Monday, July 16, 2007
No promises
Reagan passed her "examination" with flying colors. The medical exam is a free-for-all basically. Dozens of parents and babies crowd into the hot medical clinic and go from room to room having various parts of our babies examined. It's quite perfunctory and assembly-line like. Reagan has a scheduled appointment on July 26 with the international adoption clinic to check her out for real. We did this exam for adoption purposes only.
Guangzhou: Adoptive Family Paradise
Guangzhou makes up for Beijing big time. First of all, it's a quaint, little town of 10 million. It has an easy to use subway system, blue skies and lots and lots and LOTS of newly-formed families. We've taken to Guangzhou and are glad that we get to end our time in China here. I don't know where to begin. I apologize for being off line for so many days. We've been in a whirlwind of paperwork (2 hours' worth yesterday alone), shopping (ahem…this isn't a requirement, this is a sickness of mine that I've just decided to indulge in) and exploring this town and our hotel's complex. We can pay $13 a day for Internet access or we can do the cheap way and go to Starbucks once a day for free access and an ice mocha. You can guess which we've chosen. You may not hear from us as much but we have more cash for squeaky shoes and once you've seen these things, you'll understand our decision. We're at the DongFang Hotel which is super fancy and we feel pampered and well rested and just taken care of in every way. We are not a novelty here which is nice. In Changsha which is a smaller, more out-of-the-way town, we stuck out. People stopped us everywhere to gawk and take pictures. Here, in the city where ALL Americans must come to get our children's VISAs? Well, we're just one of the crowd. It's nice to walk around without all the stardom. It's blooming hot here but we're careful about sunscreen and hats and mostly going out in the mornings and evenings. We've spoiled ourselves by eating MickeyD's and Papa John's. I know. I won't touch McDonald's in the States but abroad is another story. We've also enjoyed some excellent Chinese fare and Danny ate spicy Hunan food till he was literally sweaty and red-faced.
We spent some time on Shamian Island today which is a haven for adoptive families because that's where the famous White Swan Hotel is and all families are required to go there for their baby's medical examination. There are dozens of little shops which specifically target bargain shoppers like us. We….ummm…we bought an extra suitcase to bring home all our treasures. We purchased various items for Reagan to give to her as she gets older including the cutest "Made in China" t-shirt and a soft panda and a dragon puppet and a silk outfit and…well, you get the idea. We had some fun. It's so great to spend money on Reagan that I nearly forgot to spend money on myself. Nearly.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Hubbas aren't for everyone…yet
Reagan is not used to lots of food and we see that in every mealtime. She throws herself at the bottle and snorts and snorts and sucks it down like if she stops for air, it will disappear. The whole time she eats her eyes flick around at us as if to say, "Go ahead. Just try to take my food. You'll pull back a bloody stump that's what." We've decided it's best not to test her on this threat. We pull the bottle out and encourage her to breathe, once again going over human dependence on oxygen and then we let her go to town again. She also loves Cheerios, rice crispies, rice (both steamed and fried) as well as watermelon, cantaloupe and bits of croissant. She hasn't any teeth yet so I make the pieces super small but she loves to daintily pick them up and gum them down into a nasty mush before consuming them.
At dinner last night, it hit me. We're those people. We've crossed the line. Our baby sat in the restaurant's high chair and threw all sorts of food items over the edge on to the floor. She reached for things on the table. It's become habit to sit down and start identifying and moving possible weapons further away from her reaching hands. I can hold an adult conversation while mashing up melon, scooping flung socks off the floor and cooing baby talk out of the corner of my mouth. I personally don't have time to eat as much anymore but that's not really a bad thing. When we left, there was destruction everywhere. We're those people.
Be careful what you wish for…
So she's sick and we'd appreciate your prayers. She's also teething and she chews on absolutely everything. I have teething rings, orajel, etc. I suspected she'd be teething and Jenn gave me a lifetime supply of bibs to contain the drool. I think if it were just the teething, we'd be ok. This sickness is what makes me so frustrated. We can't go to the doctor here but will wait for Guangzhou. Friends in the States did research for us and we now know of some western docs we can visit once we get there. Please pray for us as we fly tomorrow. Ru's never been on a plane and we've never been on a plane with a baby. Should prove interesting.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
No Pictures? Just Kidding...

It looks like Danny was able to upload some more pictures after all.
Slow Internet = No Pictures
Even though there are no pictures, Danny and Lisa still need your prayers. Ru has been sick. You may have noticed a runny nose in some of the pictures. She hasn't had a fever but has been sweaty with lots of snot and coughs. They are going to wait and see a Western doctor in Guangzhou on Saturday. Ru has to pass a medical exam or they will have to stay in China longer.
Lisa wants everyone to know that they are okay and they love your comments. They just can't respond right now. Please keep them in your prayers.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Forever and Ever Amen
The rooms are hot and reek of smoke. Everyone smokes here, did I mention that before? My baby has a rattly chest and the sneezes and these people are smoking on her. I wish they wouldn't smoke inside but what's a girl to do? So we avoid it as much as possible. We forked over cash and gifts today and feel loads lighter. I still can't believe they're going to let us leave with this amazing baby. Every moment she shares a new delight with us. You'll get to see them soon. Danny has recorded her every movement and we'll strap you down and force our baby videos on you as soon as the jet lag wears off.
Anyway, she's ours.
Our Marriage is Doomed
First off, she's adorable. We don't want to share her with each other at all. It's getting ugly here in Changsha. Let me give you some examples from our day.
We wake up and Ru is all cuddly and smiley and wants to squirm around on us. So we fight over which one of us needs to get showered first and thus leave the warm aura of baby time. We go downstairs to breakfast and fight about who gets to feed her and finally compromise by splitting out the time. We try to snap on her carrier extra fast so the other one can't get to it and clamp her on. Ru watches all of this with a bemused look on her face. She knows we're crazy about her already. We saw so many smiles today and lots of giggles. She does that Indian Chief thing with her hand over her mouth and I can pat my hand over her mouth and she'll make the sound. She knows how to clap and gets all proud of herself and throws her hands up to show just how amazing she thinks she is. All of this is either for our entertainment or (and this is my theory) an attempt to be even more adorable so she can watch her parents' continuous competition for her affections. Thus far we're in a tie but I'm hoping to pull ahead tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Gotcha Day
Here is a link to all of the pictures that Danny has uploaded from their first day with Reagan.
More Ru Info

Here is some more info about Reagan Ru from Danny and Lisa.
We just weighed Ru and she weighs 16.5 lbs. Size 9 months is fitting perfectly. She is sitting up by herself. Her muscles are very strong. She isn't crawling yet, but she likes to walk if we hold her hands. She's perfect. She loves to play with her feet and fingers. She has a plump belly. She didn't have any diaper rash or scratches or anything. She was taken care of very well in her orphanage. We're so blessed.
They took excellent care of her plus they gave us the clothes she was found in, her finding ad (which we'd already purchased), a chop with her Chinese name on it, a map of Chenzhou City and Hunan, the 2 disposable cameras we sent (can't wait to get them developed), her blankie, the family photo album we sent her. They kept it all and she loves that blanket very much. You can tell she's had it for a while. They had her in clothing for a 24-month old so she was swimming in her little outfit but we gave her a bath and put her in some 9mos outfits that fit.
Tao Tao!!
I have to crash now. Gotta sleep while Reagan sleeps but I just
wanted you to know how the mission went. :)
We have Ru!
I don't know what to tell you. She's perfect, obviously. We can't find a darn thing wrong with her except she has a cold but we expected that. We've already administered a baby dose of tylenol cold medicine. SHE LOVES THAT MEDICINE. Oh, she wiggled with glee and sucked the syringe dry. Strange kid. She seems pretty infatuated with us, too. Lots of nose pinching, mouth exploring, finger holding going on here. She hasn't cried yet so we're expecting her to figure out that her nannies are gone and they've left her with two white giants any minute. :( Thank you for your prayers. We can feel your love and Father's love. I sang kumbaya to her in the civil affairs office. Just whispered it softly in her little ear and we've told her wa ai nee (I love you) about 100 times already. She adores her little keys. She went right for the red key and sucked and sucked and gummed it to death. Of course she loves red. She's mommy's girl. :) She hasn't any teeth yet but is so close. We can feel them under the gums. We've turned up the AC in here so mommy and daddy are sweltering but now she isn't shaking or cold. She's a Hunan spicy girl and they LOVE the heat. So...I guess we're officially parents because without thinking we just wanted her to be comfortable and so what if we're not? Who cares. Ru is happy and that's all that matters.
We'll post more on Flickr later. We've taken (and this isn't Lisa exaggeration) 50 or so pictures and several videos and we've had her all of an hour. We think she's pretty darn cool, basically. :)
We love you! Can't wait to be home to show off our positively ADORABLE daughter!!!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Last Lasts, First Firsts
Last Supper (which was really good, btw. Excellent fried rice, bug-free ice and the fried chicken/fish/mystery meat was quite tasty. I ate a lot of it followed by a Dove ice cream bar. I'm fat and happy tonight.
Last shower.
Danny shaved his face. I shaved my legs (close your mouth, Blakely) for the last time before we get Ru.
Last bus ride (this actually happens tomorrow at 5:50am but you get the idea).
Last night together without a baby.
Last post on my blog.
Last time I use conditioner in my hair.
Last time I….ok, I could be taking this a bit too far. I just feel like time is spinning faster and faster and we can't get off the roller coaster. We purposely got on but now it's very scary.
Let's think about Firsts.
First time I packed a diaper bag.
First time we're in China, our daughter's birth country.
First time I bought Reagan something special (pearls).
And tomorrow will bring a whole host of Firsts. Firsts I've dreamed about for years and years and now they're happening to US and to Reagan.
Good night from Beijing! We love you!
Now THIS is China
Ok, I feel better about China today. First of all, it wasn't one thousand degrees with four hundred percent humidity and that always helps. Secondly, we left the city today. We also worshipped this morning with other believers from literally all over the world. I can go into greater detail when we're home. We even took video of the experience. It was so amazing and I get teary just thinking about it again. Father's people are everywhere! Danny estimates we had 500 others with us this morning in our auditorium in the bilingual service and downstairs in an all English service there was at least that many. So cool.
So back to the weather and the countryside. It was cooler and moist still, of course but COOLER. We were in the mountains and everything was so green and misty and old. And we rode out to The Great Wall and that's not something one does every day. Danny climbed and climbed. I don't know. Maybe 450 million miles or so? I went about 10 million and stopped. You can translate that into non-Lisa language and get the idea. We both got t-shirts that say we climbed The Great Wall of China though I don't think Danny thinks I deserve mine. I did climb it…I just chose to stop before oxygen masks were necessary, that's all. He came back, over an hour later, drenched in sweat with a sweaty backpack on his shoulders and wanted to HUG ME. Yeah, right. I think I got some good videos and Daniel, obviously, took amazing photos. He's such an artist. We'll need more walls soon so we can display all his work/our travels. I stood on The Wall today and thought of my baby girl just a two-hour plane ride to the south. WOW. Life is good.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Cairo and Beijing: same shopping style
Well, it's the same gig here. Our guide is worlds nicer and believes in Father so she point blank told us not to buy what we didn't want, to sit down and enjoy their AC while others shopped if that's what we wanted. So that's nice. However, the young, pretty girls are all the same and they work on commission. We've been to the Pearl Market and the Silk Museum. Today is the Jade Factory. Sigh. At least here we know what's coming because Sherry (our guide) warns us. In Cairo, Sherin and Makmut just drove us over and handed us off like sacrifices to the retail gods. We didn't buy a darn thing from the Silk Museum. What's the point when one shares a house with cats? We did drop some cash at the Pearl Market but I think I might have actually purchased MORE if they'd just left us alone. I finally got so irritated, I just started saying no to everything so we could get out of there. Good grief.
When Nannie and Papa were in China years ago, they brought Jody and me simple jade bracelets. Mine broke a couple years ago but I know Jo still has hers. I'm determined to find another jade bracelet for myself and Reagan, too. I'm just going to be more forceful today and beat these girls off like flies if I have to. Wish us luck.
Beijing takes the prize!
We went to T. Square. I don't have the energy to Google it to figure out how to spell it but you know the place and I think Matt is uploading a link to our Flickr account so you can see pictures. Our guide specifically asked us not to talk to her about tanks and students and to please, for the love, not take pictures of the uniformed soldiers. If they catch you, they take away your camera, film and/or memory card. And they insist on seeing your passport and quiz you about why you're in their country, etc. So naturally, my husband had to have pictures of this forbidden fruit. He whipped out his gigantic lens and started sneaking off shots while I prayed silently and asked Father to blind the soldiers to my husband's photographic challenges. I'll be lucky if he makes it out with me but I'm thinking if he gets arrested, I may be able to lay down on the flight home because I'll have his empty seat beside Ru and me. Always look on the positive side, I say. We also visited
the Forbidden City and The Summer Palace both of which one can't help but be impressed by. We were disappointed because lots of the structures are under maintenance tarps/scaffolding. Everyone here is focused on the Olympics next summer. In fact, later today (Sunday) we're going to visit the Olympic village and see The Bird's Nest stadium (we've driven by from a distance but this time we'll get up close and get some better pics to share).
I've never been so hot and humid in my life. That says a lot considering I'm from eastern Kansas and I've played basketball on the equator in June in Indonesia. This place is oppressive hot. The heat rose off the sidewalk and swished around us. I could feel it as though it were tangible. It's hard to explain. Also, we felt a breeze probably three or four times in 12 hours of touring. For a Kansan, this is torture in the highest form. When I found wind, I just stood still and let it whip around me for all of 30 seconds and then moved on, always on the hunt for the next wisp of air movement.
At lunch we were reassured that the ice was clean, safe for our "sensitive stomachs" and we should enjoy it. So we did. For the entire meal. Then one of our group discovered an unfortunate (and unfortunately large) beetle who suffered a rather chilly death, nestled in the center of our "safe" ice pitcher. I stopped drinking immediately, obviously, but Danny decided the damage was done and kept on downing ice, cold Coke like we drink bug ice every day. Mostly I'm eating rice, as usual. However, last night I busted out and ate duck which of course tastes like chicken. We have one girl in our group who'll eat anything and we make her taste test stuff like Mikey with Life cereal. So far she's still alive and we follow her lead. Fortunately, she's here with her sister who's also adopting from Hunan so we'll have her tasting skills with us the entire trip.
I should probably stop talking about our adventures thus far. In conclusion, Beijing is hot and dirty and don't drink the ice no matter what your guide says. I'll write on another topic momentarily. Danny says I'm being too negative toward Beijing. I don't really mean to be. I'm always up for a new adventure, a new place. I think being here in the spring or fall would be quite pleasant. The history/architecture are truly amazing. I'm just so hot and dirty and they still haven't given me my baby. Sigh. So I may be a bit on the negative side. Talk to me again in 24 hours.
Friday, July 6, 2007
We're here
Our hotel is super fancy and we're on the 11th floor. This hotel really reminds us of a place we stayed in Jakarta years ago. It's gorgeous and so sophisticated. Well, except we can't drink the water of course. Our guide described Beijing water as having "extra minerals" in it. Ummm...yeah. That's what they are.
We didn't really sleep on the plane at all but powered our way through 5 or 6 movies and a book. We're seriously, seriously considering upgrading to business class on the way home. China is stinking far away from Kansas, in case anyone had doubts about that particular bit of geography. Don't. We're 7,000 miles from home but we're closer to Ru than we've ever been so naturally, we're doing just fine.
Love you all!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy Birthday, USA!
This is really, really it.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
One Thing More...
Also, please pray for my health. I have a head cold which should make our flights super fun.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
The Empire Strikes Back
A tidbit from my childhood since it's 2:30am and I couldn't sleep to save my life... is that I'm a farmer's daughter and in our neck of the woods rain was a blessed, mysterious refreshment not to be taken for granted. I still say when our feet have turned into prunes during the walk across a parking lot that, "this is good for the crops." Only, it's not good when it comes at harvest time and it's not good when it washes seeds away or farmers end up with Buicks in their fields because a road washed out and that's where the cars were carried. Nope, that's not good for the crops at all.
It's been a very wet spring and summer here in Ottawa. A huge chunk of the Midwest is under water right now. I was worried about Ru a few weeks ago because China is experiencing flooding and now her new home is, too. Today our roof leaked into our living room and there's water along the wall in the basement. Did I mention we leave for China in four days and the forecast is for more of the same?
So about that shield. Like all parents who truly love their children, our Mom and Daddy raised us on Star Wars and Star Trek. Shields play an important role in both stories and if you don't already know about that, well, I pity you and am sorry your parents didn't love you. That's a shame.
But back to me. Rain is finicky. It liked other fields better than ours. We'd wake up in the morning to ask Daddy about the night's precipitation because even at an early age, we understood its role in our likelihood to get new Cabbage Patch dolls. The Slemps got rain. Nortons? Rain. Other Farrars living just across the road? Rain. Our little patch of desert? Nope. Nada. And when we asked why this travesty occurred, visions of yarn-haired babies slipping away...Daddy would explain that he'd left the shield up the night before. Oops. The shield was up and the rain couldn't get through.
I think the Empire fiddled with our shield generator because I can't get the darn thing to work at all and the rain, sensing our weakness, is attempting to assimilate us.
Lasts Clarification
We will definitely have date nights again. We've been so spoiled having ten very fun, loving years as a married couple. We know we need to slip away for grown up time and we have friends who owe us YEARS of childcare and we intend to cash in and sneak off.
Anyway, just wanted to clarify what I meant.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Carlos O'Kelly's with Matt and Jenn
Friday night date
Sleeping in Saturday morning
Filling my car up with gas
I know it's weird. We've waited so long for this but now the "lasts" are very real in our minds. Poor Psalms and Autumn don't have a clue what's coming. They don't know the "lasts" they're experiencing this very day. Ignorance is bliss.
What We're Doing and When
Depart for Beijing
Friday, July 6 Arrive in Beijing!
Saturday, June 7
Beijing Sight-Seeing: Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, & Summer Palace
Sunday, July 8
Church service & Great Wall
Monday, July 9
Morning Flight to Changsha
Afternoon - Meet Reagan RuXian Farrar Wellman
Tuesday, July 10
Civil Affairs Appointment - finalize adoption on Danny’s birthday!
July 11- July 13
Paperwork, Sight-seeing, & Shopping
Saturday, July 14
Afternoon flight to Guangzhou
July 15 – July 17
Fill out Consulate Forms & Medical Exam
Wednesday July 18
Consulate Appointment 9:30 am
Thursday, July 19
Pick up Ru’s Visa
Friday, July 20
Depart from Guangzhou
Depart from Hong Kong
Arrive in the USA!!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Travel Approval...Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
I also might do some experimenting on the blog to see how it reacts to multiple pictures and videos. Want to be ready to update it in CHINA. So pay no attention to the man behind the green's just me fiddling around so this works 7000 miles from home. :)
Monday, June 18, 2007 an avoidance mechanism
My point is that we have big bags...and I'm filling them very quickly. How does one pack for a baby we've never met? I don't know what she's eating. I don't know if she's grown herself some teeth. I don't know what she is allergic to. She may hate pink and pretty much pink is the only color of her wardrobe right now. I have no idea how big she is so I have to pack a variety of sizes in hopes one or two of them will actually fit her. I don't know her eating or sleeping schedule.
I was staring at the suitcases earlier, just daring them to give me trouble, when it hit me: I'm stark raving mad. Who does this? People don't accidentally adopt babies. My friend Jessica has a little surprise! baby growing inside her right now. But we discussed it the other day and frankly, surprise adoptions just don't exist. I didn't accidentally fill out 5 inches of paperwork or by chance let people into my house to inspect our plug-in placement. No, sir. We did this fully and wholeheartedly and seemingly without the influence of narcotics.
Now I'm packing to become a mother on the other side of the world in a country where I speak the wrong language to a baby who may or may not be interested in us being her parents.
And, really I think that's why I find myself focused on packing these outrageous pieces of luggage. I can control packing. I can conquer packing. Packing is my friend. If I think about what's at the other end of this journey I will break out in hives from sheer happiness combined with the knowledge that I'm an idiot.
Orphanage news..
I've only heard good things about her orphanage and the "aunties" and directors who care for the children. A woman who just visited Ru's town last week said they've all made it through the floods and the orphanage was just fine. Thank God! She also told me that my daughter was being well cared for and loved.
Most likely we will not get to visit Ru's orphanage. I'd really like to see her home but the woman I just mentioned had to plan her trip months in advance and since China isn't exactly forthcoming with travel arrangments, I don't see this little excursion as part of our visit. Ru will be brought to the Hunan Province capitol, Changsha and we will meet her there at the Civil Affairs Office. We'll go some day though. I want to say thank you to the men and women who cared for our daughter and I want to see her world since I've missed out on so much.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Our LOA arrived today!
Our LOA came today on Day 55 of the wait. This is INSANE. I've never seen one come so quickly and this means our TA could literally be here in 3 weeks or so. WOW. So today was good and crazy and OVERWHELMING.
We know we won't have the basement finished in time now. We've just come to terms with that. Daddy will be here for a week after we bring Reagan home and he and Danny can tackle the basement then and hopefully get it finished up. Whew. I'm off to make lists (one of my real talents) and then start tossing stuff in our enormous suitcases.
Reagan, your parents are on their way, Baby!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Too much to hope for...
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Mother, May I?
Monday, April 30, 2007
Another step down...
We bought her dresser tonight! Ready to fill it with all these pink clothes we have received from loving family and friends. Her room is coming together, our travel packet arrived. Life is good.
Friday, April 20, 2007
She's ours but she lives far, far away
I can not believe that Reagan is in China and not here with me. What the heck? How long must we wait for this dream to come true? I'm sick of it. I know God has a plan. I know that. I thank God for it. Lord, please give me courage and energy and a solid, positive attitude. This journey You've asked us to follow is so very hard and tonight I'm crying and getting all snotty and I just want it to be over.
Please help us to enjoy our last few precious weeks together as a beautiful duet. This is the end of an era, certainly. We're ready for it. We're ready for some new harmony. We're ready to be a trio. Watch over Ru tonight, Lord. Please let her know, somehow, let her know that we are coming.
Friday, April 13, 2007
What's next?
International adoption is such a blessing--you get a baby AND a new and improved patience level. We hope to travel in July or August. Ok, that's a lie. We hope to travel tomorrow but we will PROBABLY travel in July or August.
Until then we have a lot to do to get ready including setting up Reagan's room and finishing our basement. We'll stay busy but I don't know how distracted we'll be. We have one-track minds now. Her pictures are up all over the house and we carry them with us, too. Her little face is memorized. So, no. We're not going to be distracted. We're quite focused on the prize but we recognize that God's plan and His timing are not ours. We're following God's lead, one day at a time and when He's ready, we'll hold Reagan in our arms and it'll be magic. (Or she'll scream like a banchee, wiggle out of a wet diaper and lunge back for her caregiver's embrace but to us, no matter what her reaction, it'll be magic).
I promise to write more when we know more.
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face...

The process to adopt internationally is complicated, expensive and frustrating. We're skipping all of that and getting to the good stuff.
Here she is...
Ru Xian Chen was born August 22, 2006. She lives in Chenzhou City in the Hunan Province of The People's Republic of China. We will call her Reagan RuXian and maybe just use Ru as a nickname because it's such a sweet, little name and seems to sum up our baby girl.